About Samarkand Kennels in DeWitt, MI

Samarkand Kennels

***Samarkand kennels Boarding and Daycare Contract

Please read and check off each section ***

Boarders must sign and date each stay

Boarding Contract

Emergency medical care: If in our judgment, your dog/cat requires medical care and we are unable to reach you, we will take your dog/cat to a veterinarian or animal hospital. We will always try to contact your veterinarian first, but if they are unavailable MSU small animal clinic will be the facility of choice.

Enter your free text here
Boarding Contract

Vet HIPPA Form

Dog And Cat Together — DeWitt, MI — Samarkand Kennels

Abandonment Policy Form

Pet Behavior Assessment Form

Pricing Form

The pricing structure for boarding is as follows:

Dog And Tabby Cat — DeWitt, MI — Samarkand Kennels

Please review the Canine Cough article, then download the Boarding Contract forms below. You can fill the contract out on your computer or print out the forms to fill them out. Once completed, please e-mail the forms to us at samrkand@comcast.net or use the "Send us a file" button on our website.

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